
Showing posts from May, 2020

Why move your site to WordPress? Know the benefits?

Before many content management systems and programming languages ​​such as, PHP, and more, websites were created in static HTML files where all files were of the same design and color format except for the content. In fact, after a few years, even patterns and scripts appeared in the image as well, which raised a bigger problem for websites like slow-loading pages due to frequent code loading every time the website opened. Consequently, a new and innovative approach was found to get rid of all the difficulties associated with static HTML sites and led to the conversion from  HTML to WordPress . This conversion process has gained a lot of popularity since then. And why not? After all, conversion has several benefits to offer. Let's explore some of these benefits in detail in this blog post: 1. Dynamic website First of all, the foremost idea of ​​ converting an HTML website to WordPress  is to have a dynamic website. The static website includes seve...